Sweet `N' Salty Pancakes

It is a different taste than other pancakes

Recipe by Pankaj Nathani of Nagpur, IN

Ingredients vegetarian 2 servings

    For pancake: 
    • 50 g Singhara flour;
    • 4 medium sized sweet potatoes;
    • 2 tbsp. grated coconut;
    • 3-4 cardamoms, powdered;
    • salt to taste;
    • ghee for frying.

    For the stuffing:

    • 1 coconut, grated;
    • 1/2 cup sugar
    • 2 cardamoms, powdered


    To prepare the stuffing:

    Put all the ingredients in a saucepan. Add three to four tbsp. water. Keep stirring on a low heat till the sugar has melted. Remove from heat. Keep aside to cool.

    To prepare the pancakes:

    1. Boil and mash the sweet potatoes. Add singhara flour, grated coconut, cardamom powder and salt. Mix well. Add enough water to mix to a batter of dropping consistency.
    2. Heat a tava. Smear a little ghee.
    3. Pour 1/3 to 1/2 cup of the prepared batter over it and spread thinly to cover the surface.
    4. Cook on both sides till golden brown. Remove from heat.
    5. Spread two tbsp. of the coconut stuffing in the centre of the pancake. Roll them in a cylindrical shape.
    6. Arrange the pancakes in a plate.
    7. Pour one tbsp. fresh cream on each roll before serving.
