nutritional, tasty
Recipe by Mariya chauhan of Modasa, IN
jean chaurasia
This is good and also called a SMOOTHIE.
Hi ! Banana is an Energy Booster . Srawberry contains high level of Antioxidants . Curd strengthens the Immune System . Oats is another energy booster. Milk is nature's wellness diet with unique balance of nutrients. Apple to be consumed with skin as it contains more anti -oxidant and fiber . Honey is an energy booster . Honey should not be given to infants under the age of 18 months as it causes Infant Botulism .
Hi ! Mariya.... Tried dis out today . I added 2 cups of milk +an extra tbsp of Honey . An excellent whole Breakfast . Thank U . A great way to kick start the day .
I tried this one. it turned out very good. A tasty way to consume oats.
christy gerald
good one,Mariya(i added little more water)