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Garlic Bread

Recipe by Mrs.Soujanya Hariprasad of Santa Clara, US

I love Garlic bread a lot. Whenever we ordered Pizza, we use to order Garlic bread. Home-made is as good as from Pizza Hut/Dominos

Ingredients vegetarian 4 servings

    • 1 Baguette bread (if cannot find it use white bread)
    • 200 g Butter (I used Amul)
    • 5-6 crushed Garlic cloves
    • 1 tbsp Oregano powder
    • 1 tbsp Parsley powder


    1. With a bread knife cut Baguette bread in 1 inch pieces.
    2. In a bowl, take Butter. Add crushed Garlic, Oregano powder, Parsley powder & little Salt. Be careful while adding Salt as Amul butter is already salted. Mix well.
    3. With a help of a flat knife, apply the Butter mixture well in the slits. Any extra or remaining Butter can be spread over the bread.
    4. Place the pieces on a tray, buttered side facing up. Bake for 5-8 mins at 180° celsius. Serve hot with any dip of your choice.
    5. Note: Temperature varies from oven to oven. If you are using normal White bread, cut into triangles & serve.


    Capt Nitin Saxena

    You can use very little ajwain powder instead of oregano.


    Parsley powder and oregano powder are not easily available in India. Parsley leaves are like coriander leaves and when dried it becomes a herb.

    Suratwala Nandip R

    if we don't get the parsley powder then is there any other thing to instead of that... Pls tell me...


    baguetti becomes hard within 2 days of purchasing what to do for that.any tips for this .

    Mrs.Soujanya Hariprasad

    Hi smita...Parsely powder is an Italian seasoning just like Oregano. Parsely leaves are commonly used in Pasta. We get dried powder of these leaves.

    smita vanga

    pls tell me what is parsley powder