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carrot and peanut raita

Recipe by swati of delhi, IN


Ingredients vegetarian 2 servings

    • 125 gm curd
    • 2 no.carrot
    • 50 g roasted peanuts
    • coriander leaves
    • salt and sugar to taste
    • 1 tsp black pepper powder


    1. grate the carrots
    2. crushed the roasted peanuts.
    3. beat the curd  to get smooth consistency. add salt, sugar, black pepper powder.
    4. add grated carrot and crushed peanuts to the curd.
    5. garnish with coriander leaves.
    6. serve chill.




    thanks meghna.

    meghna peter

    Wow its a yummy recipe and so nutritous . I loved It :)

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