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Piping chicken

exotic starter dish with a good tinch of pepper n lemon

Recipe by manpreet anand of gurgaon, IN

all time fav ,next to chilli chicken

Ingredients non vegetarian 4 servings

    • half chicken
    • 7-8 ginger julienne
    • 2 tbsp chopped garlic 2tbsp
    • 3 green chillies slits 3
    • 2 green bell peppers med size
    • 2 onions, sliced finely
    • salt to taste
    • 2 tsp black pepper
    • chopped spring onions
    • lemon wedges
    • 5 tbsp oil
    • lemon juice of 1


    1. Wash the chicken pcs thoroughly n keep aside.
    2. take oil in a put pan,put ginger julienne and chopped garlic..saute fr about 2min till golden brown.
    3. add black pepper,salt and chicken pecs....pour about half cup of water fr the pepper to dissolve n mix well.
    4. cover n let it cook fr about 15min on simmer, till chicken turns tender,but nt very soft..
    5. prick n see the chicken pcs..
    6. when they are half cooked,add slicd onions,green chillies and bell pepper..gv a thorough mix
    7. cover n let it cook well..
    8. when ready, sprinkle sm lemon juice.
    9. to serve-arrange the chicken on a platter,sprinkle some spring onions and coriander on top,put 2-3 lemon wedges...


    jean chaurasia

    essy, quick and tasty. Thanks.


    That is so tempting and easy to cook.


    Hi ! Manpreet ....Ur Chicken looks tempting . Irresistible pic . Thank U . Chicken is a very good source of Protein nd Niacin . It is also a gud source of Selenium , Vitamin B6 and phosphorus . Though fried chicken is high in Cholesterol , It contains one of the highest sources of Niacin which helps in lowering the bad cholesterol .

    Shweta Ballal

    The other vote for this excellent recipe, is mine Vicky. Truly. :)


    Nice recipe I had to give 1 vote to everyone since many people are still cheating their way up and everyone can see it is only their recipes getting 3-4 votes, while good recipes are being held aside. Why doesn't the Administartion doing anything? I guess they like this dirty game.