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Dildar punjabi chicken

punjab da chicken

by: kamani of queens, US

This dish is my own recipe that I make special for my husband and it is so easy,light,and digestable that you just want more.its yum yum yummy!

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9/19/2009 12:23 AM by soniya

Dear Kamini, Please post a real punjabi Chicken receipe.................................. waiting for the real flavor of punjab to taste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12/22/2008 11:53 PM by nushi

dear kamini, hi, for all the above,i want to tell that adding whole coriander and lemon juice etc is not usual it is punjabi. this recipie is quick and not jump to conclusion.kamini jee good work .thanx


11/19/2008 1:11 PM by kamani

For bhaktipradipbanerjee: I dont quite agree with you because every chicken is made with different fillings or desire and the one i posted, it is easy to prepare and a taste of everyone.chicken is made in varies of ways with different ingredients but the one i provides deals with the things that is avaiable for anyone,but anyhow,, that is how you feel thats your opinion! For Harsh: only a punjabi would understand whats punjabi about it? if you dont agree still, look at the ingredients CAREFULLY! For shweta shetty: Hi ! how are you ,well in everyrecipe in mine I leave it to my readers how much they want to use but since you ask I mostly use chicken drumsticks like 8 pieces ,and boneless a pound would be enough ,any other question please feel free to add all questions and comments respected!


11/17/2008 10:11 AM by bhaktipradipbanerjee

Dear kamani, your 'punjab da chicken' is the same way any normal chicken curry is made. on going through your recipie, i thought i would get some thing typically punjabi style dish. any way keep it up.


11/5/2008 2:24 AM by Harsh Tripathi

What is punjabi about this recipe?? Just going through the recipe I can make out this will be a disaster.


10/31/2008 1:40 PM by shwetashetty

Dear Kamani, I haven't tried your recipe as yet, but when I went through the ingredients, it did sound really great. Meanwhile, it would be so nice of you, if you also could specify the quantity [ by weight] of chicken required in this dish. Hoping to see more of your culinary expertise on this site. Thanks, once again. Shweta.


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