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Cold Cake

A cake unbaked

Recipe by tasnim of karachi, PK

The recipe is one of my favourites so i will just say TRY OUT ONCE !

Ingredients vegetarian 10 servings

    • 1 packet marie biscuits
    • 150 gms butter
    • 1 tin condensed milk
    • 1 packet cream
    • 2 different flavoured jelly crystals
    • 1 tin cocktail fruit


    1. Boil the condense milk tin in a pot with water covering over the tin. it should be heated for 3 to 4 hours and if the water level goes down add more water.
    2. Crush the biscuits coarsely and keep it aside.
    3. Then mix the melted butter with the biscuits and spread it on a dish
    4. Now open the condense milk tin which by now must have been cooled.
    5. The colour of the milk after being heated will now be chocolate brown.
    6. Now spread the second layer of milk on the biscuits evenly.
    7. Spread a thin layer of cream over milk.
    8. Now let it set in fridge for sometime.
    9. Decorate it with any 1 or 2 separate jellies as you wish.
    10. Lastly add some cocktail fruit to decorate it more
    11. It is eaten cold so keep in fridge after preparing it.


    tuhina verma

    i dn't knw hw to make jelly..... and want to make jelly without adding egg.......... plz help me.....


    ur receipe looks very tempting but is there any subsitute for boiling the condensed milk its sounds a bit risky or heating for a little while will do or it is necessary to boil it for 3-4 hrs rashida



    i love anything that is simple and yet ravishing.

    Nafeesa Fijhaz

    Assalamu alaikum, Your cake is simply delicious..... everbody loved it...... Nafeesa



    Dear Padma , the tin should be heated in boililing water for 3 - 4 hours and keep filling the pot with water . I must say try once .


    Hello,I would like to verify one thing,ie-should i cook it (the condensed milk),in High heat ,for 3 to 4 hrs?I would love to try out your recipe.It looks pretty tempting. Thanks, Padma