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Manglore omelette

Recipe by hiffzameharaj of mysore, IN

easy and tasty.

Ingredients non vegetarian 4 servings

    • 4 egg's
    • 1 onion
    • 5 to 7 cloves gaglic.
    • salt to taste.
    • ½ inch ginger.
    • 2tbps coconut (greated)
    • little fresh coriander.
    • 2 to 3 green chilles.
    • oil for fring.


    1. 1st blend onion, garlic, ginger, coriander, coconut and green chilles in a blender to a fine paste.
    2. then in a blow beat all the eggs and then  mix  salt and masala into it.
    3.  heat the oil in a pan  and fry the omelette in it, till it cook's.
    4. then the Mangalore omelette is ready to sever.



    jean chaurasia

    why not add a finely chopped tomato to the masala.

    Shweta Ballal

    Many thanks, for the awesome omelette recipe.