Khatti Daal

Recipe by Athar Dalvi of

You can serve this Dal with rice or paratha.

Ingredients vegetarian 4 servings

    2 cup toor daal 1 green chili ½ onion ½ tsp jeera 2 crushed garlic 5 kokum ¼ tsp haldi powder salt to test


    Wash daal and keep it on boil. Then add onion, green chili, crushed garlic and jeera in it and let cook on slow flame. After some time add the kokum and let it cook till done. Add a little bit of water if the Dal is not cooked. Add salt, 1½ cups of water. In another big vessel, heat 1 tsp ghee, ¼ tsp jeera, 3-4 crushed garlic and 4-5 curry leaves. When the garlic become light brown in color, add the half of the cooked daal and close the lid. After a little while remove the lid and put the remaining daal and let it boil. Garnish with corrainder leaves.




    hi dalvi can u please publish more of vegetarian dishes using kokum pls.


    ghee was not mentioned in the ingredients. is it compulsary to add ghee?


    I did not understand what toor daal and kukum meant.It seems easy so ne ext time please give the plain english name also.