Corn Halwa

A sweet dish of Corn

Recipe by Jyotsna Solanki of Mumbai, IN

A dessert to be enjoyed at all occasions

Ingredients vegetarian 1 servings

    • 250 gms. sweet Corn
    • 100gms. Sugar
    • a pinch of Nutmeg powder
    • 1 cup Milk
    • 1 cup Mawa
    • 1 tbsp. Ghee



    1. Boil the corn and grind it to thick paste.
    2. Take a pan put ghee and fry the corn paste. When the ghee starts leaving the sides add milk stir it till it thickens.
    3. Add mawa stir it then add sugar.
    4. Finish with a pinch of nutmeg powder.


    deepali parikh

    it's really good and unique in it's kind and quick and easy too.