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Macaroni Made Easy

Quick and Easy

Recipe by Kavita Chugani of Dubai, AE

Good for children in the evening brunch and healthy.

Ingredients vegetarian 2 servings

    • 250 grams of Macaroni
    • 1 tbsp of ketchup
    • 1 tbsp chilies sauce
    • 1 tsp Vinegar
    • ½ tsp Soya sauce
    • ¼ tsp black pepper power
    • 2 pinch ajinomoto
    • Salt to taste
    • ½ cup carrot chopped
    • ¼ cup capsicum chopped
    • 1 small onion
    • 1 tsp ginger garlic paste
    • Coriander leaves


    1. Boil macaroni adding salt and ½ tsp oil and keep a side.
    2. Take oil in a pan add onions, ginger garlic paste, carrot, capsicum and ajinomoto cook well.
    3. Now add vinegar, ketchup, chilies sauce, soya sauce, black pepper and salt.
    4. Add boiled macaroni (your hand should be wet before adding macaroni so that it gets separated properly) and stir well.
    5. Leave it for 5 minutes adding coriander leaves and serve hot.



    Hey! Kavita I tried this recipe it had turned very tasty my family members liked it. Thanks!! :-)

    Kavita Chugani

    Kavita Chugani

    you can also add some cheese on top of it before serving.