Caramal pudding

An easy way to make the tastiest pudding !

Recipe by Priya Sriram of

It is a treat for Pudding lovers !

Ingredients non vegetarian 4 servings


    1. First heat the 3 tbs of Sugar in a mould with 2 tbs of water. Leave it to boil till the sugar syrup turns brown, may take 5 minutes.
    2. In a seperate bowl, beat the egg well and and add 400ml of milk and 5tbs of sugar to it.
    3. Keep stirring till all the sugar is dissolved.
    4. Remove the mould from the heat and add the mixture of eggs, milk and sugar to it ( on the sugar syrup ).
    5. Double boil the mixture ( boil the mould and the contents in a vessel of water ) please note that the water should be only upto half the height of the mould.
    6. When the water in the outer vessel starts boiling steadily, reduce the heat or simmer the burner, let the mixture boil not more than 5 minutes.
    7. Remove from heat and let it cool or refrigerate it.
    8. Invert it on a plate when ever you want to serve The tasty Caramel pudding is ready !!!



    hello priya. i made the pudding it was really delicious. but i can turn it and leave it on a plate, it gets so messed up. its no strong enuf 2 take the shape. can u please tell me wat i shud do?? everything is perfect except 4 dat

    mubeen talath

    hello priya, please let me know if i wanna cook in micro wave or oven at how many degrees and till what time waiting for ur reply.



    Priya Sriram

    Priya Sriram

    Hi, No. You donot need custurd powder for this receipe.

    Shamim Khimji

    Please let me know do we have to use the custor powder to make the pudding