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Dahi Fry

Simple Dahi with spices

Recipe by Suman Saini of New Delhi, IN

So easy to cook that anybody can cook it in 5 minute when you do not find anything to cook, with curd and basic spices you can have it done.

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Ingredients non vegetarian 1 servings

    • 2 Cups of Curd well mixed with 1 cup of Water 
    • 1 tsp Oil
    • 1/2 tsp Jeera.
    • garlic and ginger Paste
    • 1 chopped onions
    • Salt to taste
    • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
    • 1/2 Chili powder
    • 1/2 Jeera powder
    • 1/2 Dhania Powder
    • 1/2 garam masala.
    • Besan ki Bundi
    • Pinch of sugar
    • Coriander Leaves to Garnish


    1.     Heat oil in a pan until it is almost smoking. 
    2.     Reduce the heat to medium and add add  Jeera. 
    3.     Add the onions and saute for a minute. 
    4.     Add the ginger and green chili (if using) and saute for another minute.
    5.     Reduce the heat to low, now add salt, turmeric powder, Chili powder, Jeera powder, Dhania Powder and garam masala fry for few seconda. 
    6.     Now add curd well mixed with water and cook on medium flame until it vapor out littile, stirring constantly. 
    7.     suger is optional If the flavor is too tart stir in a little sugar, up to 1 tablespoon. You don't want to make the yogurt sweet, just to balance the sourness but a pinch of suger will enhence the taste
    8.     turn off the flame when 
    9.     Add Bundi, it'll help to thicken it and enhence the taste too. 
    10.   .Garnish with Coriander Leaves 
