Spicy green pulao

Recipe by Rajiv Anand of Santa Clara, US

For people who like it spicy and hot

Ingredients vegetarian 2 servings

    1 teacup uncooked rice 10 oz. Cauliflower (cut into big pieces) 6 oz. green peas 8 oz. potatoes (small whole) 2 sticks of cinnamon 2 cloves 3 cardamoms 2 chopped onions 2 bay leaves 4 tablespoons ghee salt to taste


    1. Grind into paste the following: 1 big bunch fresh coiander 6 green chillies 25 mm (1") piece ginger 10 cloves garlic Heat the ghee in a vessel and fry the onions for 1 minute. Add the paste and fry for at least 3 to 4 minutes Add the cinnamon, cloves, cardamons and bay leaves and fry for 1 minute. Add the rice, vegetables, salt and enough water to cook. Cover and cook slowly until the water is absorbed and the vegetables are cooked.



    Hi...It would be very helpful if you can manage to have an online dictionary kind of a page for translating the name of ingredients from English to Tamil. Because, its a known fact that many people dont know the meaning in tamil, for certain food stuff.

    Arun George

    i tried this recipe and it turned out to be very good. and it is very easy too.

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