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Strawberry Banana Shake

Recipe by prasad of mumbai, IN

A very easy and simple drink to make and healthy to try it out. Use of Soymilk instead of regular milk improves the nutrients

Ingredients vegetarian 4 servings

    • 1 tsp Honey
    • 1 ripe Banana
    • 3 cups of Soymilk
    • 1 tsp Vanilla Essence
    • 1 cup frozen Strawberries


    This is really a very simple recipe. The key about this recipe is use of Honey instead of Sugar, Soymilk instead of regular milk and strawberries to enrich the nutrient value. You can omit the vanilla essence if you are using a vanilla flavored soy milk.

    1. Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend.

    2. Serve cold.
