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Vegetable stock


Recipe by Mariya chauhan of Modasa, IN

vegetable stock is use in various menu, fully healthy. become a dish to nutriant.

Ingredients vegetarian 6 servings

    • 1 onion, medium size
    • 1/2 carrot, medium sized
    • 3-4 cloves of garlic
    • 2-3 inch celery stalk
    • 1 bay leaf
    • 5-6 peppercorns
    • 3-4 cloves
    • salt to taste (optional)


    1. Peel wash & sliced onion & carrot. wash and cut celery in to small pieces. peel crush garlic.
    2. Take all the ingredients in a pan with five cup of water &  bring it to boil.
    3. stimmer for 15 minutes & strain. cool & store in a refrigerator till further use.



    Whoa ! Mariya ... Ur stock looks great . Honestly never thought it's so simple . Thanx a ton .

    sohail mohsin

    oaps this is too nice 4rm khi