recipe image

Papaya kheer

Recipe by rabz of Dhaka, BD

This is a very soothing kheer esp in summer.

Ingredients vegetarian 4 servings

    • 1 cup shredded papya
    • 4 cup milk
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1/4 tsp cardamom powder
    • 1/4 crushed almond
    • 2 tbsp rose water


    1. In one pot boil the shredded papya for 5-7 min & strain it off, in another pot bring the milk & sugar to the boil stirring every now & then.
    2. lower the heat & add cardamom powder, & boiled papaya.
    3. Keep cooking the kheer until the milk thickens/changes colour & milk goes down from 4 c to 3-2 c.
    4. Add in the almond & keep stirring.
    5. Add rose water stir & remove from heat, bring out in a bowl decorate & cool in the fridge. 
    6. Serve chilled.



    Wow! this is something new to me, I must give it a try. By the way your Tehari & hot and sour soup was also a hit at my house. so Thank you for sharing such good recipes.



    Hi Rajeshweri, It is raw papaya as ripe ones will be diff to shredded & the pic shows raw ones so that people don't get confused.Cheers.



    u prepared kheer in raw papaya or in riped ones? picture looks like raw papaya



    Correction: It's 1/4 c crushed almonds.