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Patthar ka gosht

famous hydrabadi cuisine

Recipe by priyanka fernandes of mumbai, IN

absolutely fab........ hydrabadi dish served with rumali roti

Ingredients non vegetarian 4 servings

    • 1 tsp fresh ginger, crushed
    • 1 tsp fresh garliic, crushed
    • 6-8 fresh green chilies, crushed to a taste
    • 1 tsp Patthar ka phool, ground
    • 1 tsp black peppercorns, ground
    • salt to taste
    • 1 tsp garam masala power
    • 2 tsp refined oil
    • 1 kg lamb boneless
    • 250 gms yogurt
    • 10 gms raw papaya
    • 2-3 onions, sliced into rings
    • 2-3 lemon wedges
    • 1 bunch fresh mint leaves


    1. Take ginger, garlic, chilly, patthar ka phool, black peppercorn, refined oil, salt, garam masala powder, yogurt and raw papaya in a bowl.
    2. Put lamb pieces in the above seasoning and keep a side for an hour.
    3. Heat a stone preferably granite on chacoal.
    4. Place the marinated lamb over the heated stone .
    5. Cook on both the sides. Serve hot, with the onion rings and lemon wedges.


    priyanka fernandes

    patthar ka phool is dagad phool. you can easily find it in spices shop..


    This is a gr8 recipe but what is Patthar ka phool? Thank you.

    christy gerald

    christy gerald

    Hi Priyanka!,this one is too good.thanks for sharing it.



    Hi priyanka excellent recipe thanks for sharing.