Beetroot Saru

My mother used to prepare this recipe.

Recipe by MamtaPai of

Beetroot saru goes well with rice.

Ingredients vegetarian 4 servings

    • 1 no. beetroot (chopped in to small cubes)
    • 1 cup toor dal
    • 3 nos. green chillies
    • 1 large sized onion(chopped)
    • 2 tbsp ghee
    • 1 no. lime juice
    • 2 tbsp coriander leaves (chopped finely)
    • salt to taste


    1. First pressure cook the toor dal & beetroot together along with 2 cups of water.
    2. Once it is cooked to that add salt, slited green chillies & cook for 3mins.
    3. Heat the ghee, to that add the chopped onions & fry till it turns in to golden colour.
    4. Season the fried onions on the cooked dal & beetroot.
    5. Finally add lime juice & sprinkle coriander leaves.


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