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Peach cake


Recipe by salma of karachi, PK

This is easy and delicious,served warm and make satisfy to your taste buds..

Ingredients non vegetarian 4 servings

    • 1/2 kg peaches
    • 2 1/2 cups refined flour
    • 1 cup castor sugar
    • 4 eggs
    • 2 tsp baking powder
    • 2 tbsp brown sugar
    • 150 gms butter
    • fresh milk as req


    1. Blend half of peaches in a blender.
    2. Beat eggs and sugar in a bowl with an electric beater.
    3. Add butter , then baking powder and blended peaches, beat thoroughly.
    4. Add flour and mix with a spoon. Add a little milk if required to get cake mixrure consistency.
    5. Grease cake pan with butter and sprinkle brown sugar over it.
    6. Cut remaining peaches into small pieces and arrange in pan; pour mixture carfefully so that the peach pieces remain in their place.
    7. Cover pan with aluminium foil,bake in a pre-heated oven at 200 celcius for 30 min.
    8. When cool, turn over and remove.
