Green Spaghetti

Baked spaghetti with green spinach sauce

Recipe by shefalidagra of

Taste wonderful with spinach and onion when served hot

Ingredients vegetarian 2 servings

    1 cup boiled Spaghetti 1 1/2 cup boiled spinach 2 tbs cream 1 cup grated cottge cheese 2 regular onions(finely copped) black pepper to taste salt to taste oil to saute


    1. Grind spinach and make smooth paste
    2. Take oil in a pan and saute onion. When onion is translucent, add spinach to it.
    3. Add salt and pepper according to your taste.
    4. Mix spaghetti, cream and half of grated cheese in a bowl
    5. Take a baking dish, put a layer of spinach sauce at the bottom, then layer spaghetti on it. Alternate layers of spinach and spaghetti until all of them are in the dish.
    6. Spread grated cheese on top
    7. Baked till cheese turns bubbly and golden brown
    8. Serve hot with tomato sauce



    what kind cream do you use?

    Mrs Faisal

    This is a reply for Summaiya. Spaghetti is a kind of Noodle which is long and thin.


    what is spaghetti means

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