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Sweet Chapati

Soft & Sweet!

Recipe by kirti of , GB

Serving with 'panha' or 'kadhi' soften chapaties proved a great combination in Maharashtra.

Ingredients vegetarian 4 servings

    • 3-4 sweet potatoes
    • 2 cup wheat flour
    • 1 cup milk
    • 1 tsp sugar
    • pinch of salt
    • ghee


    1. Pressure cook sweet potatoes, remove skin & smash them.
    2. Add flour, sugar, salt in smashed potato & with the help of milk make a thick dough of it.
    3. Divide dough in a 8-10 balls & make chapati of it (while rolling, make a hole at a center of chapati it will help to cook chapati well )
    4. On hot griddle roast chapatis with the help of ghee.



    thanks a lot Kirti, i will make it today(monday) i have fast today , i was bored to eat sweet seviyans , now i can change my menu, post me some another sweet recipes which are easy to cook


    Hi Kirti, Thank you so much for some different type of recipe.