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Coconut-Mint Rice

Recipe by kirti of , GB

Rice with mint flavor adds different taste & can be made quickly & nutritious too. Rich of nutrients!

Ingredients vegetarian 2 servings

    • 1 cup basmati rice
    • 1/2 cup coconut pieces
    • 6-8 mint leaves
    • 1 green chilly
    • handful coriander leaves(chopped)
    • 1 chopped capsicum
    • 1 chopped onion
    • 1 tsp ginger-garlic paste
    • 1 cup cauliflower pieces(big in size)
    • 1/2 cup peas
    • 1 small potato(peeled & chopped)
    • 2-3 black peppers
    • salt to taste
    • 2-3 curry leaves
    • 1 tsp mustard-cumin seeds
    • 2 tsp oil
    • 1 clove


    1. Grind together coconut, chilly,half of coriander & mint leaves.
    2. Heat pressure cooker with oil, add curry leaves, cumin & mustard seed, once crackle add ginger-garlic paste,pepper,clove- cook further 1 min & then add onion. let it golden brown.
    3. Now pour the coconut paste, mix it . now add all  chopped vegitable & peas, again mix it , add salt & rice .
    4. Pour the water to pressure cook the rice.allow 2 whistle of cooker & then remove it from fire. once cool place it in a large serving bowl, garnish with remaining coriander & serve it  with sambhar or curry.




    hi jasber, thanks 4 the query, yes dear u can use rice cooker for making the recipe.


    HI ca I use a rice cooker instead of pressure cooker?!!


    i like the dish very much more bcoz of the flavour of coconut & mint simple but relishing gd try