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Royal Egg Curry

A very tangy dish made of eggs

Recipe by Brijesh of Bangalore, IN

Tangy & Spicy egg curry

Ingredients non vegetarian 4 servings

    • 4 boiled eggs
    • ½ kg onions finely chopped
    • 7-8 green chillies finely chopped
    • 2 tbsp cooking oil
    • 1 tsp red chilli powder
    • 1/2 tsp garam masala
    • corriander leaves for garnishing


    1. Fry chopped onions and green chilly
    2. Add red chilli powder and salt to taste once onion and chillies are cooked
    3. Add little water and cook for 5 more minutes
    4. Take them out and Grind them in a grinder and make a paste
    5. Once the paste is ready place the eggs in the paste.
    6. Put garam masala and fresh coriander leaves
    7. Serve it with hot paranthas.



    its royal laziness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mr Shah

    what's the royal part about it? there are no special Ingredients which consider this recipe royal (sort of dry fruits and all) it is a very simple and easy to make but not royal

    sushmita guha

    looks very yummy...................