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Coffee Cake

Cake made with instant coffee powder

Recipe by christy gerald of Dubai, AE

Ingredients vegetarian 4 servings

    • 100 gm plain flour
    • 1 1/2 tbsp instant coffee powder
    • 1/2 tsp baking powder
    • 40 gm dark brown sugar
    • 90 ml full cream boiled milk
    • 1/2 cup cream
    • 5 tsp sugar
    • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
    • a drop vanilla essence
    • 1 well beaten egg
    • 75 gm butter and 1 tbsp butter to grease the tray
    • 75 gm castor sugar


    1. Blend the instant coffee powder, vanilla essence and the boiled milk in a mixer and keep it aside.
    2. Sift together plain flour,baking powder and cinnamon powder.keep it aside.
    3. Beat together butter, castor sugar and the dark brown sugar and then add the beaten egg and whisk the mixture.
    4. Then add the plain flour mixture and coffee powder mixture to it and mix them well for 3 mins atleast.
    5. Grease the baking tray and bake in a microwave oven for 20-25 mins. (check with a skewer, inserting to the cake mixture,till it comes out clean).
    6. Meanwhile blend  the cream and  sugar together in a mixer for a min and keep that aside.
    7. After the cake is made cut that into 2 halves and sanndwich the sweetened cream mixture in between the cake pieces.
    8. Serve them with cardamom tea (since its made of coffee powder).


    Rupa YAdav

    can we make it without eggs?

    sohail mohsin

    hi im rabia i like a web of khana khazana