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Orange Kheer

Orange cooked with milk and sugar

Recipe by christy gerald of Dubai, AE

This tasty 5-star hotel recipe can be made in 25 mins.Try at home and enjoy this Kheer.

Ingredients vegetarian 4 servings

    • 4 Oranges - peeled , de-seeded and shred
    • 1 tbsp basmati rice - ghee sauteed for a min and crushed for a min in Mixie
    • 1 liter Full Cream Milk
    • 1/2 tsp cardamom powder
    • 1 cup or 150 gm sugar
    • 2 tbsp ghee-sauteed crushed nuts(almonds,pistas, cashews,kismis)
    • 1 tsp vanilla essence
    • Few strands of saffron-optional


    1. Take a microwave bowl,add all the ingredients except the shredded oranges and crushed nuts and mix well till the sugar gets dissolved.
    2. Microwave this high for 10 mins.
    3. Take the bowl out,add the ghee-sauted crushed nuts and orange pieces, microwave this high for 15 mins,stirring this every time u see the milk rising to brim or the upper-edge of the bowl.
    4. Transfer this Orange Kheer into serving bowl and Serve cold.


    christy gerald

    christy gerald

    U can add 1/4 litre Fresh Orange juice after turning off the flame(optional).

    christy gerald

    christy gerald

    I think, some (or one) Hacker(s) with ill-will spoiled this recipe(they changed 'sauted' to 'sauteed' ,'litre' to 'liter' and erased 'a' and 'the' from the recipe(cause I checked the original-I've typed before).Why this thing happens to are doing a great job in publishing good recipies. Anyway,u can add 1/2 litre condensed milk and 1/2 litre full cream milk instead of 1 litre full cream milk.Condensed milk improves the sweetness of this dish.Happy Cooking!.