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Capsicum paneer masala

Recipe by Mariya chauhan of Modasa, IN


Ingredients vegetarian 4 servings

    • 2 Tomatoes
    • one onion
    • few cloves of garlic
    • Small piece of ginger
    • 1 cinnamon stick
    • Few laung
    • Few Eliachi
    • 1 tsp  Black pepper cloves
    • 1 tsp Dhania powder
    • 1/2 tsp Haldi powder
    • 1 tsp Jeera powder
    • 3 large capsicums
    • 1 cup paneer cubes
    • 1/4 cup of peas
    • Few tsp of Soya sauce
    • 1 tsp of Vinegar
    • 3 tbsp of milk
    • 1 tbsp of fresh cream
    • Pinch of Sugar


    Grind the following into a paste :

    • Tomatoes, onion
    • garlic cloves, ginger
    • dalchini, clove, eliachi, black pepper cloves
    1. Fry the paste in oil till it releases fat from the sides. Fry for long on low flame for a better taste.
    2. Heat oil in a separate kadai. Add some dhania powder, haldi powder, jeera powder and let the masalas go brown. Add the fried paste to this.
    3. Add cut paneer cubes, capsicum and peas. Add salt and mix well.
    4. After few minutes of stirring, add milk to thicken the gravy. Cover and let it cook on sim. Once the veggies are cooked add some soya sauce, vinegar, pinch of sugar and stir well.
    5. Your Paneer capsicum masala is ready to be served. Add a spoon of fresh cream to the dish at the end.



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