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Mutton Roast (BBQed or Grilled)

Grilled spicy mutton pieces

Recipe by christy gerald of Dubai, AE

U can have this as a starter or with rice and Indian breads.Very easy to do roast to try at home or get-togethers.

Ingredients non vegetarian 4 servings

    • 1/2 kg mutton pieces(1 1/2 inch sized)
    • 1 tsp crushed garlic
    • 1 tsp garlic paste
    • 1 onion-pasted
    • 2 tsp vinegar
    • 1 1/4 tsp salt
    • 1 tsp lemon juice
    • 1 tsp green chilli paste
    • 1 tsp nutmeg powder or maze powder
    • 1 tsp freshly crushed pepper
    • 1 bay leaf (crushed)
    • 2 tbsp chilli sauce
    • few chopped coriander leaves
    • 2 tsp refined oil + 2 tsp butter or ghee
    • lemon wedges(for serving)


    1. Take a bowl and all the ingredients except oil and butter or ghee.Mix this well and marinate this for 30 mins(keep this in fridge).
    2. U can brush the pieces with oil and butter and skew the pieces and BBQ this 7-8 mins per side OR
    3. preheat the Microwave Oven in Grill mode,place this on a greased grill plate and grill on high mode for 8 mins and then brush with oil-butter mix and grill this for 6 mins the other side.Brush with oil-butter mix for 3 mins each side again.
    4. Serve this hot with lemon wedges.


    christy gerald

    christy gerald

    Thank u so much Shinchi.Hi Sneha!,no need to pre cook the meat(u shd include vinegar for marination-1 hour marination will yield better result).



    hi christy,i have never tried grill or bbq..pls tell me if you pre cook your meat before you grill?


    Very nice christy. Thank you very much.