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Chicken Pakoras

Fried Chicken pieces shallowfried with gramflour coating

Recipe by christy gerald of Dubai, AE

Chicken pieces fried with spices and shallow-fried again with gram flour.Very tasty recipe for u.

Ingredients non vegetarian 4 servings

    • 15 (2 cm size boneless) chicken pieces
    • 1 tsp chilli powder
    • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
    • 1 tsp garam masala powder
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 2 tsp refined oil

    For the batter:

    • 1 cup Gram Flour
    • 3/4 cup water
    • 3 tsp ground masala (1 tsp cumin powder, 3 red chillies, few coriander leaves, 3 curry leaves)
    • 2 tsp Salt
    • 1/2 cup refined oil


    1. Mix chilli, turmeric and garam masala powders with 2 tsp water and salt. Put chicken pieces in that masala and mix well.
    2. Heat 2 tsp oil in pan. Put the spiced chicken pieces and fry for  3 mins.
    3. Mix the gram flour with ground masala,salt and 3/4 cup water.
    4. Add salt and mix well so that no lumps should form.
    5. Heat oil in the frying pan .Dip the fried-chicken pieces in gramflour batter and shallow fry on bothsides in oil,till golden brown. Similarly make all the pakoras.
    6. Hot and fresh Chicken Pakoras are now ready to be served with tomato ketchup or coriander (coconut) chutney.


    christy gerald

    christy gerald

    Shefali ,do the first step with 1 tbsp water and microwave the masala coated chicken pieces for 2 mins on high and then do step 3 to step 5.

    shefali narang

    This recipe is really mouth-watering but want to enquire can't we fry it only once as twice frying wld make it very oily. plz suggest alternative